Cheryl Walburn

Cheryl Walburn, MSN

Assistant Professor
General Education, Community Health

Contact Info
[email protected]

Cheryl Walburn has been an instructor in the General Education program at Clarkson College since 2008. She holds an Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and a Master’s degree in Nursing Education from Clarkson College.  

Ms. Walburn is the Administration and RN Program Coordinator of the Providence Health Career Institute, a private post-secondary career school, in Lincoln, Neb. She is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honors Society and is the Secretary of the Faculty Senate Nominations Committee 

Outside of the College, Ms. Walburn enjoys volunteering at Open Door Mission and serves as a pianist and organist and her local church.  

Words of Wisdom  

Every day is a new opportunity to learn and to share that learning with others. 


BI 122 - Nutrition Science 
HC 220 - Gerontology 
GEN 105 - Medical Terminology 
CHL 335 - Seminar in Gerontology 

Scholarly Works (Selected)  

Field Study"Stress and the Secondary School Principalship: Frequency, Sources, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies." Completed as co-author. Kearney, Nebraska, November 1999. 

Authored Medication Aide Skills Review Packet, Current Edition 2021.  

Authored Nurse Aide Skills Review Packet, Current Edition 2021.  

Authored State Medication Aide Exams 2009-Present.  

Authored State Nurse Aide Exams 2009-Present.  

Reviewed Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 9th edition, 2015 for Elsevier Company.  

Reviewed Mosby’s Nurse Aide Textbook Companion CD, 2014 for Elsevier Company. 

Authored LPN Survey Report, Nebraska Center for Nursing, 2004, 2006.  

Authored Nebraska RN Survey Report, Nebraska Center for Nursing, 2003, 2005, 2007.  

Authored Nurse Employer Workforce Survey Report, Nebraska Center for Nursing, 2003.  

Member of Professional Review Panel, Nebraska Health Care Association Basic Resident Care Course, 2000-2001.  

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