Daniel Aksamit

Daniel Aksamit, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
General Education, Community Health, Education and Leadership

Contact Info
[email protected]

Dr. Daniel Aksamit joined Clarkson College in 2012 and is currently an Associate Professor in the Healthcare Education & Leadership (Ed.D.) program. He earned his Ph.D. in History from Kansas State University with concentrations in American thought and culture, poverty, economic inequality, and foreign relations. He also earned a Master's of Applied Statistics with a concentration in quantitative research from Penn State University.

Dr. Aksamit serves as the Coordinator of Research Forum, chairs several doctoral committees, and is the former President of the Faculty Senate. He is a current member of the American Statistical Association, including the Nebraska Chapter, Statistical Consulting Section, and Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences Section.

Education & Professional Experience

2023: M.A.S. in Applied Statistics, Pennsylvania State University
2018: Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics, Pennsylvania State University
2014: Ph.D. in History, Kansas State University
2009: M.A. in History, Kansas State University
2005: B.A. in History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2020-Present: Associate Professor, Clarkson College
2016-2020: Assistant Professor, Clarkson College
2012-2016: Instructor, Clarkson College
2023-2024: Adjunct Professor, Nebraska Methodist College
2022-2022: Adjunct Professor, Omaha Metro Community College
2017-2018: Adjunct Professor, Creighton University
2010-2012: Graduate Instructor, Kansas State University

Awards and Honors

2020 & 2016 Faculty Senate Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, Clarkson College
2017: Faculty of the Year, Clarkson College

Words of Wisdom  

Life is constant learning. Do not worry if you don’t know everything yet. Everyone feels some intimidation and anxiety, but you have more knowledge, wisdom and skills than you may think. I used to think academia was like a mountain of knowledge that one climbs and eventually learns all. It’s not. It is more like a rolling landscape of little hills of wisdom, with little ups and downs in all directions.


EDD 908 – Quantitative Research Methods
EDD 943 - Dissertation III
EDD 922 – Doctoral Seminar III
DNP 944 - Biostatistics and Epidemiology
GR 847 - Applied Statistics
ST 310 – Statistics
EA 210 – American Poverty and Healthcare
HU 210 - American Social Movements

Scholarly Works (Selected)  

Aksamit, Daniel and Miller, Neka. Conference Presentation, “Statistical Analysis of Student Retention at a Private, Midwestern University.” Joint Statistical Meeting, Statistical and Data Science: Informing Policy and Countering Misinformation, Portland, Oregon 2024

Aksamit, Daniel. Conference Presentation, “Statistical Analysis of Student Retention at a Private, Midwestern University.” The International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, Denver, Colorado, 2023

Aksamit, Daniel. Conference Educational Session, “Teaching the PT-PTA Relationship: “Teaming” with Possibilities!” Education Leadership Conference, American Council of Academic Physical Therapy, Bellevue Washington, 2019.

Aksamit, Daniel. “How the Pathology Became Tangled: Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the Liberal Explanation of Poverty since the 1960s,” PS: Political Science and Politics, Cambridge University Press. 2017.

Aksamit, Daniel. Conference Presentation, “How the Economy Created the Culture of Poverty in America: Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the War on Poverty.” The Moynihan Report and Welfare Policy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s America, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, England. 2016.

Aksamit, Daniel. Conference Presentation, “‘Whether its Name is Bombay or York’: Reforming Cultural Values through Community Development in the War on Poverty.” Corporation, Community, and Culture, 40th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Baltimore, Maryland. 2015.


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