Dr. Katherine J. Kirkpatrick joined Clarkson College in 2009 and serves as a Professor in the General Education and Education & Leadership programs. She also coordinates the Clarkson College Writing Lab, which she started in 2009. She earned her EdD in Interdisciplinary Leadership and her Master’s in English Literature from Creighton University. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.
Since her time at the College, she has chaired the Faculty Senate Bylaws, Faculty Senate Personnel, Academic Integrity Education Committee and Strategic Planning committees. Dr. Kirkpatrick also currently serves as the Treasurer of the Midwest Writing Centers Association (MWCA) and Copy Editor of the Journal of Writing Assessment. Throughout her career, she has been a member of several professional organizations including the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA), International Leadership Association (ILA), National Council of Teachers in English (NCTE) and Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA).
ENG 102: Composition II
EDD 798: Foundations of Scholarly Writing
EDD 909: Qualitative Research Methods
EDD 938: Leadership and Diversity
EDD 944: Dissertation IV
Kirkpatrick, K. (2019). Online doctoral students writing for scholarly publication. Computers and Composition, 52, 19-36. https://doi.org.10.1016/j.compcom.2019.01.012
Kirkpatrick, K. (2015). Universal design in online education: Employing organization change. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 11(2), 280-290.
Presentations (selected)
"Situation Empathy in the Writing Center," Individual presentation at the International Writing Centers Association Conference; Virtual; October 2024.
“The Intersections of Rhetoric, Violence, and Writing Center Work,” Individual presentation at the Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference; Virtual; February 2021.
“Undoing Violent Rhetoric in the Writing Center,” Workshop at the International Writing Centers Association Conference; Columbus, OH; October 2019. "Providing Holistic Support to Graduate Writers,” Special Interest Group led with Kristin, Messuri, Erica Bender, Kyung-Hee Bae, and Molly Rentscher at the International Writing Centers Association Conference; Columbus, OH; October 2019.
“Encouraging and Increasing Graduate Students’ Publication Attempts,” Work-in-progress presentation at the Consortium on Graduate Communication Sumer Institute; Arlington, VA; June 2019.
“Abstracts: Placing the Big Picture on a Small Canvas,” Invited talk at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Nurse Educators Group; Omaha, NE; January 2019.
“How Do Writing Centers Identify and Cope with Pain?” Roundtable discussion at the Nebraska Writing Center Consortium; Omaha, NE; September 2018.
“Assessment Practices: Making the Center Look Good on Paper and Ensuring It Remains Open for Everyone,” Pre-conference workshop at the Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference; Omaha, NE; March 2018.
“Covert Actions to Ensure Incremental Change in the Writing Center,” Individual presentation at the International Writing Centers Association Conference; Chicago, IL; November 2017.
“Embracing Evolution by Igniting a Fire in the Center”; Ignite session at the International Writing Centers Association Conference; Denver, CO; October 2016.
“Online Doctoral Students Writing for Scholarly Publication”; Qualitative Research Network presentation at the Conference for College Composition and Communication; Houston, TX; April 2016.
“Transitioning to Exclusively Synchronous Sessions”; Individual presentation at the Midwest Writing Centers Association; Cedar Rapids, IA; March, 2016.
“Doctoral Student Writing in Leadership Programs: Emerging Trends for Pedagogical and Curricular Best Practices”; Individual presentation at the International Leadership Association Conference; Barcelona, Spain; October, 2015.
“Scholar and Business Practitioner Collaboration: Opportunities and Best Practices”; Co-led workshop with Stephen Brody at the International Leadership Association Conference; Barcelona, Spain; October, 2015.
“Transitioning to Exclusively Synchronous Sessions: A Consultant and Director’s Perspectives”; Co-presented panel presentation with Kathleen Brodine at the Nebraska Writing Center Consortium; Omaha, NE; September 2015.